Perpetrator: Opanasenko Valery Sergeevich (judge, Southern District Military Court of the RF)

Full name:
Opanasenko Valery Sergeevich
Date of birth:
Biography of the perpetrator:

Born in 1985,

served as an assistant judge of the Krasnodar garrison military court.

From December 2013 to December 2014 he worked as a judge of the Maikop garrison military court,

By decree of 14.12.2013, No. 913, he was appointed judge of the Maikop garrison military court.

By decree of December 19, 2014, No. 786, he was appointed judge of the Sevastopol Garrison Military Court.

By decree of May 31, 2017 No. 246, he was appointed judge of the North Caucasian District Military Court