Victim: Mustafaiev Server (05.05.1986)

Full name:
Mustafaiev Server
Date of birth:
Citizen journalist, coordinator and streamer of the Crimean Solidarity public association, human rights defender, has been imprisoned for political reasons in the Russian Federation since May 2018. Gas supply systems engineer by profession. Lived in Bakhchisarai. Co-founded the Crimean Solidarity association. He publicly spoke out in defense of victims of political persecution, covered human rights violations in Crimea. In 2019 and 2020, he received a special Words of Freedom prize at the Crimean fig/Qırım inciri literary competition, and his poem and short story were shortlisted in the nominations “Poetryin the Crimean Tatar language” and “Prose in the Crimean Tatar language”. In May 2018, Russian security forces arrested him during a raid on his home on trumped-up charges of participating in the activities of a terrorist organization and preparing for a violent seizure of power. In September 2020, he was sentenced to 14 years in a high-security prison. On March 14, 2022, his appeal was rejected. Server Mustafayev is serving his sentence in a penal colony in Tambov, Russia. Despite being enrolled in a university on a distance learning basis, Mustafayev was not allowed to pass his exams after the first semester of study in the colony, and in August 2023, he was sent to a punishment cell.

Place of detention: IK - 1 Tambov