Victim: Suleimanov Amet (25.10.1984)

Full name:
Suleimanov Amet
Date of birth:
Citizen journalist, streamer of the Crimean Solidarity public association, has been under house arrest for political reasons in the temporarily occupied Crimea since March 2020. Worked as a sales manager in a mobile shop. Lived in Bakhchisarai. Covered searches and arrests of Crimean Tatars, for which he was detained twice by the occupation authorities in 2017 and 2019. In recent years, he had to limit his activities due to heart disease. In the spring of 2020, Russian security forces arrested him on trumped-up charges of involvement in the activities of a terrorist organization. Due to his health condition, he was kept under house arrest during the proceedings in the courts of first instance and appeal. In 2021, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison. On 9 February 2023, the Court of Appeal upheld the verdict, and on 5 April he was taken into custody and sent to a pre-trial detention centre in Simferopol. There, his medication was taken away from him and he was not allowed to lie down despite his poor health. On 27 September, it became known that Amet Suleymanov was transferred to Russia to the prison in Vladimir. The prison sentence threatens his life as he needs a heart valve replacement.

Place of detention: Vladimir Centra